With Easter already upon us and spring supposedly here, it’s a good time to bring up little-known but really fun uses for kombucha SCOBYs. It’s high time to start planning for spring gatherings and summer parties, too. This Easter weekend offers just the right opportunity to test out some of these great kombucha tips and to have fun with kombucha tea.
A long time ago, I mentioned that kombucha tea can be flavoured with natural fruit juices, but since we’re happy to drink our kombucha plain, we’ve never actually tried it, nor have we ever thought of what else we could be doing with our kombucha tea. And we’ve been completely unimaginative with our spare SCOBYs, but all that’s about to change. Check out these yummy recipes and creative ideas I’ve come across!
What’s nice about this time of year is that it’s inspiring, so trying new things makes a whole lot of sense! And wouldn’t it be fun to spend an afternoon eating kombucha jello while painting Easter eggs with all-natural kombucha dye? If you answered yes, keep reading! Those are just a few of the suggestions I’ve round up for having fun with kombucha tea (smiley face).
Yummy Recipes For Having Fun With Kombucha Tea
As of this moment, I haven’t tried any of these yet, but ask me again next week!
Note before trying some of these kombucha tea recipes that boiling or freezing kombucha tea will kill off the beneficial probiotics.
Cool Kombucha Tea Treats
Each one of these kombucha tea recipes is perfect for the heat wave we’re bound to be getting soon. Since spring’s already been around a couple of weeks, it’s okay to start planning for summer!
Kombucha Jello
Turn a classic into a healthy snack. This kombucha jello doesn’t contain nearly as much sugar as the store-bought kinds, nor even homemade kinds using fruit juice. Kombucha tea does have a bit of sugar that isn’t converted during the fermentation process, and the recipe calls for honey — one of the healthier sweeteners.
Of course I recommend locavores use Creekbend Farm honey with their own home-brewed kombucha tea. For those who, like me, need a vegetarian jello recipe, these gelatin alternatives are a good start for some DIY tinkering and experimentation. And — yay — we’re lucky enough to be able to use our own wild- or farm-picked berries for the suggested purée (smiley face).
Remember to follow the method given in the Kombucha Jello recipe since it only warms the honey and gelatin (no boiling), and the kombucha tea is added afterwards.
Kombucha Popsicles
Gather up most of the same ingredients as above to make kombucha pospsicles. They’re bound to become pretty popular around the house real soon!
Kombucha Ice Cream Float
This kombucha tea ice cream float looks oh so mmm, and nothing could be easier. Ice cream remains ice cream, nonetheless, so this one’s just a treat made less indulgent (winky face).
Kombucha Crowd Pleasers
There’s no reason you should enjoy your kombucha tea alone. Why not serve some the next time you have people over for a dinner party? A barbecue is a fun, relaxed way to let people taste and test without committing.
Plus, it could be fun to see who likes it and wants to try the real stuff. Lol! (Well, I’m not the only one who thinks that’s funny. Kombucha Kamp’s Kombucha Mama, Hannah Crum, makes a similar suggestion in Top 5 Ways to Introduce Kombucha Tea to More People.)
Kombucha Party Punch
Kombucha Mama has devised what looks like a totally delicious Kombucha Recipe: Sparkling Kombucha Party Punch. Head over to Kombucha Kamp to see Kombucha Mama’s video on making her adult-only version of the beverage. I’d suggest replacing the sparkling wine with sparkling fruit juice to make a family-friendly version.
Kombucha Mustard
This kombucha mustard recipe includes all kinds of variations, including honey and maple alternatives which would be truly tasty with Creekbend Farm honey or Sucrerie Séguin ShugarBush maple syrup. I love fancy mustards, so I’m really excited to try making this kombucha mustard!
But kombucha lovers are already convinced I’m sure. This one’s a crowd-pleaser because it’s a subtle staple. Serve this with your hot dogs or veggie dogs and hamburgers or veggie burgers and watch your guests fall in love with the kombucha zing.
Kombucha BBQ Sauce
If you’re into grilling, try marinating with kombucha barbecue sauce. Here’s a different way to introduce guests to kombucha without overwhelming them.
Creative Ideas For Having Fun With Kombucha Tea
Here’s where I love to look but usually fear to jump in. Leave a comment if you try any of these kombucha creations, with some explanatory details if possible (winky face).
Kombucha Crafts
Kombucha is one of those foods it’s okay to play with. That makes teaching kids about kombucha a heck of a lot easier!
Easter Eggs with Kombucha Dye
Thanks to Kombucha Mama for this Earth-friendly Easter crafts idea — Recipe: Kombucha Vinegar Dyed Easter Eggs with Natural Colorings! Using boiled eggs, kombucha vinegar (see Top 5 Uses for Kombucha Vinegar), and colourful fruits and veggies, you can make edible and eco-friendly Easter eggs. Use farm-fresh eggs for maximum health and environmental benefits!

Paint Old Kombucha Bottles
You can already reuse kombucha bottles with every batch, but after a while no amount of washing can get out the smell, and sometimes, the bottom residue. Plus the caps lose their seal. (We’re using reused wine bottles so the reusing cycle is really Earth-friendly!) So once those bottles lose their usefulness as kombucha bottles, they can be recycled, of course. But recycling should always be the last of the green options since the recycling process’s energy consumption and need for fuel-guzzling transportation make it less effective than reusing items at home whenever possible.
So here’s the perfect chance to teach kids about some of the eco-friendly aspects of brewing your own kombucha tea: Top 5 Ways Kombucha is Earth-Friendly. Save some of those kombucha bottles to make decorative vases with the kids. This is a cool and easy method for painting the inside of glass bottles, though I would make sure to use non-toxic paint and not just whatever’s lying around (winky face).
Kombucha-Based Organic Art
Definitely take the time to click through each of the links in this section to see the photographs of the amazing kombucha art being created. All of these artistic creations make innovative use of SCOBYs, with interesting results.
And why not try your hand at it, too? Some of these kombucha art ideas can also be adapted into fun crafts projects to do with the kids!
Kombucha Body Puppets
These kombucha body puppets by Nöle Giulini are incredibly imaginative, and some of them are even a little scary. They’re not just for kids — that’s for sure!
Kombucha Sculptures
Giulini also makes lovely kombucha sculptures, as does Zac Nelson. It’s interesting to see the SCOBYs molded into such complex shapes.
Monet-Style Kombucha
Michel Blazy’s Monet-style kombucha art is made of coloured floating SCOBYs. It’s simple in concept but very appealing.
Kombucha Painting Canvasses
Sandor Ellix Katz says in The Art of Fermentation that “several people have reported stretching kombucha SCOBYs and vinegar mothers onto frames and painting on them.” This is possible because “they are composed of a cellulose, just like paper.”
So all you Earth-friendly painters out there, why ever spend money on a canvas again? Here you have an organic, self-reproducing, and cost-effective material you can make yourself!
Kombucha Style and Fashion
If drinking and eating kombucha is hip and trendy, then wearing it must be the next thing. Would you dare to go about kombucha-clad?
Kombucha Clothing
Watch this and just try to tell me you don’t want your own kombucha cocktail dress! For indoor occasions, of course (winky face).
Check out these kombucha clothing designers:
Here are some instructions on how to make your own vegan leather with a kombucha SCOBY. If you know how to sew, the sky’s the limit once you’ve figured out that part! I’m definitely not going to be trying my hand at any sewing, so if you do give this a go, please let me know how it goes in the comments section below.
Kombucha Earrings
Take a look at these absolutely gorgeous kombucha earrings by Dre Babinski. That’s what I want to be wearing on my ears the next time I don a dress! Babinski says that “because kombucha mothers vary in pattern, texture, and color, so will each pair of earrings,” which makes these organic creations very unique. Plus, Babinski points out that “most are slightly translucent and compliment surrounding hair and skin colors.” Sweet!
Get Started With Kombucha Tea
If you’re not already brewing your own kombucha tea, then you’re going to have a hard time trying these yummy kombucha recipes and creative kombucha ideas. So to get started and have fun with kombucha — and reap the health benefits of kombucha tea, too! — head on over to Kombucha Kamp where you can order your own organic kombucha culture starter kit. They’re a hundred percent organic and packed fresh on order, so you can be sure you’re getting the best quality kombucha SCOBY.
You could always buy store-brand kombucha tea at Eat Local Sudury, but in my honest opinion, it’s likely not going to be as healthy as home-brewed kombucha tea because of pasteurization. And besides, you still wouldn’t have any SCOBYs kicking around…
Sure, you can have fun with kombucha tea, but it’s a tough cookie when you put it to work, too. This year, do spring cleaning greener with Earth-friendly products and DIY recipes. Hint: At least one green cleaning tip will feature kombucha!
Instead of limiting my scope to spring cleaning, I’ve decided to focus on cleaning green in general. And luckily, you can still have fun with kombucha tea while you do it! Check out my first article about green cleaning, Cleaning Green: Vinegar, Baking Soda, and Kombucha.
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