Potluck Holidays: Savoury Pies from Frozen Garden Vegetables

Mixed Veggie Pie with Mashed Potato and Beet Top Crust

I just found out that one of the holiday season gatherings I’ll be attending this year will be a potluck meal. That’s awesome! I hardly ever get to cook for anyone, so this is a lot of fun for me. I only wondered what to make for about a second and a half, maybe two seconds. As soon […]

Wwoofing at Home: The Local Life

One branch, four apples, still green...

Marc and I spent May long weekend hiking on the Height of Land trail and canoeing on Wakami Lake, but we spent the last one working in the garden. We’ve got a neat little arrangement this summer — we’re working on my parents’ micro farm in exchange for accommodations. Kind of like wwoofing at home, except we get […]

10 Advanced Uses of CouchSurfing

One of the advanced uses of CouchSurfing is catching a rideshare, like trucking through the Prairies pictured here.

I’ve posted about CS a few times before, and now I’ve gathered all my top CouchSurfing tips in one place. Basically, this is a guide to the advanced uses of CouchSurfing, and how to make the best out of being an indie traveller. Although not about any particular destination, 10 Advanced Uses of CouchSurfing: A Multi-Tool for the […]

Memories of a Carnivore: A Vegetarian in Korea

Memories of a Carnivore: Adventures in Eating Ethically, by Julie Dupuis.

While I was in Korea, I wrote most of a book. I had to sit on it, go back to it, let it go through its process (which took a lot longer than most of the writing did). At the time, I didn’t know it was a book. I suspected it might be, but I never dreamed that […]

Vegetarian Living in Korea: Bean Burgers, Shellfish Divers

Children playing on a rocky beach with ships on the horizon, a water hose leading to the ocean from an unseen beach restaurant where ethical eating and vegetarian living in Korea is made that much easier.

My issues with vegetarian living in Korea are pretty much all cleared up now. I’ve learned enough Korean to express my dietary restrictions and I’ve figured out which meals are always a safe bet. I haven’t had to eat meat because of a lack of options and I don’t think I’ll have to. But I do have a […]

Living in Korea: Generalizations and Observations

A view of the city of Busan from Amisan in the suburb of Dadaepo.

There’s something about living in Korea I like a lot. The sidewalks. Not all of them, but a lot of them are made from old tires. The ground is then soft to walk on, easier on the knees. But it’s a good use of an otherwise useless product. I don’t know whether the process of grinding up and […]

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