All-time highlights from JourNiackery, Green Niackery & MiscellaNiackery
Tips for Identifying Milk Snakes (Rattlesnake Comparison)
They may look like rattlers, but milk snakes are harmless. They rattle their tails on fallen leaves & underbrush to imitate the rattler, but don't be fooled
How to Make the Best Natural Bug Spray Recipe with Kombucha Vinegar
For healthier and Earth-friendlier options, turning to essential oils is obvious, but this natural bug spray recipe also uses kombucha vinegar.
The Pressing Case for a Nuclear Weapons Ban
As nuclear weapons continue to pose a threat, the call for a nuclear weapons ban to abolish their production, testing & use is justifiably gaining momentum.
Winterizing Home the Green Way
Winterizing home the green way is important. Increasing energy efficiency and reducing costs tops everyone’s list. Luckily, they go hand in hand...
7 Terrific Trails Easily Seen From Seoul
I can recommend these 7 (+7 bonus) terrific trails easily seen from Seoul since I made the most of my year in Korea by hiking as many mountains as possible.
Meal Plans for Backcountry Hikers
Here are our meal plans for backcountry hikers. We had to give it a lot of thought and rework it often before we got it to a point we're comfortable with.
Upo Marsh Circuit Hike: Photo Journal of a Korea Wetland Keeper
This photo journal of my Upo Marsh circuit hike was written as a volunteer for the Korea Wetland Project, with the objective of attracting eco-tourism.
Wild Blueberry Picking Tips
We've accumulated lots of share-worthy blueberry picking knowledge, so if you’d like to get out there yourself, check out these blueberry picking tips first
Layering Winter Wear for Warmth
Staying warm outdoors in winter is all about layers. Layering winter wear for warmth is simple once you know the trick. From toe to head, here's how I do it
Hiking the La Cloche Silhouette Trail: Selection of Itineraries
Dreaming of hiking the La Cloche Silhouette Trail in Killarney? Here are several itineraries for hiking the La Cloche Silhouette Trail, slowly or quickly.
Silver Peak Day Hike Route Suggestions
These are route suggestions to help plan a Silver Peak day hike in Killarney Park. You can combine a Silver Peak day hike with a paddle trip or hike-in trek
How To Make Dehydrated Yogurt For a Yummy, Healthy Snack
Dehydrated yogurt rolls pack a lot of punch in a small, lightweight package. Easy to make, they're great for the trail, school, or work.
6 Popular Routes on the Uplands Trail at Algonquin Park
At 78 km, the Western Uplands Trail is Algonquin Park's longest. 3 stacked loops & 2 side loops make it easy to plan multiple routes for a long weekend.
10 Hikes In Korea You Will Absolutely Love
Rounding off my series on hiking Korea's mountains with a bucket list to make the best of a year abroad, there are 10 more hikes in Korea I absolutely loved
50+ Things To Do in French River and Lake Nipissing Areas
Chances are, there's a lot left for you to discover about this place. Here are 56+ cool ideas for things to do in French River - Lake Nipissing area. Enjoy!
Trekking Jirisan in Korea
Trekking Jirisan in South Korea takes lots of planning but once you get there, it's worth it! Even when all plans fall apart, it's a great mountain to hike.
Lush Demystified: Top Natural Products, Shopping Tips
Lush is confusing. It seems eco-conscious, with fresh handmade products, but some ingredients aren’t natural or safe. It’s time to have Lush demystified.
Packing Lists for Backcountry Hikers
It's useful to divide backcountry packing lists into categories. Here I describe our hiking, camping, and cooking gear packing lists for backcountry hikers.
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